Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof that You can Heal Yourself

This month I continue to share my personal story on self-healing journey.

If have been a long time reader of my newsletters, you probably know that my ever first client was a kid, who had had brain tumor surgery and I started working with him while he was in a special care unit in a hospital in Luxembourg.

I was going to hospital to do the sessions, and to be honest I wasn't totally clear on what I was doing and why I was doing it. Those days I spent so much time searching and reading the scientific side of healing.

When I was googling the possibility of self-healing, I ended up listening to a TED talk video. It was the first video that I shared in my very first newsletter. Then I only had 50 subscribers and now we are close to a community to 1500, and I feel it's time to share it again.

In this video, Lissa Rankin, MD talks about our capacity to heal ourselves with the power of thought. She explores the scientific literature, reviewing case studies of spontaneous remission, as well as placebo and nocebo effect data, to prove that our thoughts powerfully affect our physiology when we believe we can get well. It really affected me and I started from that moment on to research more around this idea of how we can train our thoughts and that search made me a good Louise Hay student (her affirmations are priceless) 🙏🏻.

In my 3 month Rapid Transformation Program, I will be sharing this video in the first week of our journey as I know how powerful the message is.

In December I shared it with one of my clients Rebecca, who is a Management Consultant in the healthcare industry. As you might guess, the topic hit the home for her and she not only watched the video but also got the book of Lissa Rankin to find out more about her.

I love when the scientific mind searches out for the energetic healing and spiritual world to ground it in hard science; it can prove that we can go from anxiety and stuckness to a more balanced and calmer life with ease.

And thanks to Becca’s scientific mind 🙏🏻, she inspired me to read the updated version of the book and it made me realize something huge! In the updated version, Lissa talks about the “Inner Light”, and how the physical symptoms can be healed when you live a life with purpose, aligned with your inner light. You can guess why this hit home for me again this time round!

Here are some parts that I underlined from writer’s own introduction;


“with age comes wisdom, and as I work on the revised edition of this book, I am just now integrating the tensions inherent in the paradoxical nature of reality. Ten years ago, I would have said, “you can heal yourself” and I realize now this is half-true.”

“when you are denying what is not working in our lives, pushing ourselves to conform to a society on the brink of environmental devastation and moral collapse, suppression our emotions, suffering in silence by ourselves, living in isolation, ignoring our intuition, disconnecting from our spiritual lives, or otherwise turning away from the truth of our deepest knowing, our nervous systems instinctively reacts as predator is out to get us, triggering the biochemistry of “fight or flight”, which disables the body’s natural self-healing abilities. Yet many of us are doing this unwittingly, thinking we are doing what we must to live a healthy lifestyle, not realizing that with trauma reverberating in our systems we are creating in our bodies the perfect set-up for disease

I highly recommend this book to the searchers of more fulfilled life. And I want to thank one of them, Becca one more time, for reminding me of this amazing read and be inspired to share more about my work…❤️

Here is the shorter version of her kind words, check here if you interested to read full story…

Before I met you Gul, I was struggling with very low self-esteem, and a strong feeling of stress and anguish concerning the future. Guilt was also imprinted in me and was ruling my everyday life and actions. After th (1).jpg

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With Love,


"You Lost Me At Namaste"


How I moved from an anxious and unsatisfied life to a happier and calmer life