How to declutter to create more ease, calm and joy in your life

Spring is here and there is no better time for...

...Making a decision to LET GO of what is not serving you anymore!

We carry the energy of objects, events and people in our energy space. And sometimes we feel heavy, stuck or tired because of all the things that we are carrying.

As of March, I started the season of Letting Go in 3 major areas my life

  • My home

  • My habits

  • My relationships

Home was the easiest in terms of emotions, relationships was the hardest…

It's easy to throw away old papers from your desk...setting boundaries within unhealthy relationships can be a bit more complicated.

❤️😅 Relationships…

If the person is toxic, it can be simple. You know it is best to release them from your life for eternity.

However, what if the person is nice to you, and believes they're right (from his/her point of view)? BUT they still hurt you, and are wrong from your point of view?

Then, the decluttering of your relationships can mean RESPECTING YOUR BOUNDARIES and FEELINGS!

It is really complicated, I know.

The reason I added relationships to my spring declutter was because of a digging an emotion; anger.

It all started when I was trying to understand “why I am so hurt and angry for this situation?”.

I realised that, sometimes, I was not setting my boundaries to be loved and appreciated. And I was allowing some comments and behaviors (although they hurt me deeply).

They were just piling up, and piling up until I explode say “enough is enough”.

Does it sound familiar? How many times you betrayed your emotions for the sake of appreciation or fear of confrontation?

If you find yourself in an “enough is enough “ situation, I hope you are also ready to handle the criticism of your anger.

The people who crossed your boundaries will never say “maybe I put fuel on the fire, I should have waited until her pain was gone”. Instead, they will put more blame on you and forget all the times you handled the situation in the expense of yourself!

And the more you pile (the more you allow it), the more you are going to get.

This is why, sometimes, the best solution is to declutter. To let go of emotions, people and items…

There is a hidden gift in all the struggles, and my struggle helped me to create a brand new decluttering guide!

Decluttering various areas of your life will cultivate a happier, calmer and more peaceful environment for you and loved ones.

This guide is designed to see the "unseen" healing side to decluttering: it helps you to release old energy and create space for new, positive energies to come through.

In this Declutter Guide, you'll be guided through...

  • A clear roadmap for how to declutter your life without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Explore the power of how to set healthy boundaries by decluttering unhealthy relationships

  • Experience the power of pausing to create space and time for yourself


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