Do YOU Have Crystal Or Indigo Children?
This week I want to write about a topic that I have wanted to share for the last 2 months. I was reading various books about it and working with mothers in different cultures and religions, finally I am ready to share!
I want to talk about the concept of Indigo and Crystal children. Some of you may have heard those words, usually what I hear from my clients is “Yes, I’ve heard of it, but I don’t know what it means or what it means to me.”
What are Indigo children?
Indigo children are believed to have special, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits and abilities. It is a pseudoscientific New Age concept, developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll. Lee Carrol is a channeler and author, he is famous for his book series that he developed by channeling the messages of an entity he calls “Kryon”.
The name indigo actually comes from the color; they believed that after 1970s some children are born with the indigo color aura. I will not go deeper in the studies and issues of Indigo children terminology. What is important here, is that those were the children who had a desire to connect to source, who question existence and who are empathic, curious and strong-willed. They inherit intuitive ability, from the early ages, they are aware of the angels and energy around them. Unfortunately, many children labeled indigo by their parents are diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
When you google the question “What does it mean when someone is Indigo” the answer you get is:
If you are an indigo, you could be: Creative, innovative beings. You question everything and usually reject doing things 'just because other people are doing it'. You want to do something when you know there is a meaning behind every act you commit.
Sound familiar? If you have been reading my newsletters which are about energy, healing and mindfulness, I am sure it sounds familiar (otherwise you would find it useless or not interesting), either you or your children may be Indigo ☺️
What are Crystal children?
Crystal children, a concept related to indigo children, are born after 2000s (some of them were born a bit before), they are highly sensitive children who have strong psychic abilities. They have a loving heart, they are a source of joy, and they want to help everyone around them. Due to those abilities, they may suffer when they are forced to have material success. According to Doreen Virtue, a phycologist who published many books related to this topic, most of those children are also diagnosed to ADHD and parents need to look for alternative ways to connect to their child’s soul.
What I've noticed about Indigo and Crystal children in the past 3 months…
What has been happening this last 3 months? The world is going crazy with Covid-19, the level of fear and instability was more than ever, we are locked down, most of the things that distract us to tune into ourselves were stopped. This shifts in the energy of the world, the society or the collective consciousness made us look back at the mirror and try to connect with the deeper self. More people are trying meditation, yoga, therapies, reiki… we are all trying to balance ourselves. And this energy is not only observed by you, it is also observed by your children, especially if they have a sensitive nature.
I got the courage to write this newsletter, thanks to four amazing parents (you know who you are, thank you! 🙏
The past 3 months, I started working with new people and four of them were parents. They have different backgrounds, religions, cultures; however, one thing was common, they all have special children that are meeting the definition of Indigo or Crystal. Now you might say “each child is special for the parents, of course they would say their kids are sensitive, empathic or feeling the energy around”. All four of those parents have more than one child and they could observe and confirm this different energy, aura or empathic ability closely, so they were able to feel which of their kids are more emphatic.
The parents started to share their transformation journey with their children, which helped them to connect and balance more easily, more effortlessly. One of my client’s children was asking to meditate with her! We have no idea how he knows meditation at this age, but their soul knows. Another nice story is one of them works on chakra clearing together (I cannot imagine a lovelier visual than clearing chakras together with my child).
Those stories made me share this newsletter, so that you can choose to start similar activities with your children, that can nurture their soul, especially in these chaotic times (considering press, social media).
5 Activities you Can Practice with your Intuitive Children
image ℅ Wikimedia
Spending time in nature together – most Indigo and Crystal children are natural channelers when they connect with nature, they start clearing their energy while just sitting on grass. This time you can take a mindful walk, where you practice to connect with nature and ask them what they hear or feel.
Teaching them the concept of the chakras – Even at age 3 they would understand the concept and tell you how they feel about chakras! Most of our diseases are related to the blocks of energy in our chakras, the younger you realize it, the easier it is to clear! My favorite series of all times is Avatar. I used this video to explain chakras and talk about feeling when I was working with a child. It is educational and fun.
Meditating together – we all know how energy rises when we meditate with a group of people; you can try to follow a guided meditation together or let them sit with you while you do your meditation. At first you may think “it would distract my focus”, however the parents who try are surprised with how their children can sit and meditate for 10 min without distraction ☺️ ( and it helps them to sleep better)
Encourage them to start sporty activities that help them to understand energy flow in their body such as yoga and tai chi. In most of the books I read, they talk highly about tai chi for kids who have issues in focusing their attention. You can check that the research has a strong correlation on tai chi and increasing motivation and focus of the children (I decided to explore Tai Chi for myself, will write a newsletter after practicing couple of months ☺️)
Clear the energy in their room together with a prayer and burning sage! I highly advise to clear the energy in your home with rituals (usually monthly with moon meditation), you can find the details on my blog. Next time, you can turn into an activity together, this way they can open up about how they feel in their room and feel safer!
One important note, if the activities above are not familiar with you, meaning if you are not practicing meditation or working on chakras or etc., it would be harder for you to explain it with you kids. Children feel the energy; they are the experts of reading between the lines. It is important to practice and see the results on yourself before teaching.
There are many more details and information related to Indigo and Crystal children, some of them also talk about Star or Rainbow children as well. You can research about the correlation between sugar or processed food and ADHD or ADD and see how changing the diet can improve the results significantly.
As we talked a lot about children today, I want to devote this blog to my lovely niece and share a THROWBACK photo from 2013, 7 years ago!
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