How to Clear and Balance your Solar Chakra
Summer is here, Happy June! ☀️
The days are warmer and we see more sunshine, it makes me so happy and energized, I hope it is having the same effect on you!
As we are welcoming summer, I want to take your focus to the SOLAR CHAKRA one more time!
I have conducted a free webinar on the 21st of May on SOLAR CHAKRA and DIGESTIVE systems, and today I want to share some parts of it (I can only share some parts as I run those sessions mostly intuitively!)
I would like to start by saying a HUGE THANK YOU from my heart for everyone who joined and send me individual messages. Even though I am talking to my laptop without seeing your faces, the energy was so real…
“thank you so much Gül it was magic”
“you make us motivated to start working with ourenergy again”
“fantastic! ☀️⚡️☀️”
“It was my first time, I was not expecting such a strong feeling, can’t wait for the next one”
“I felt the warmth energy in my solar plexus and you were right my hands were burning during the clearing, never experienced such feeling in my palms”
What is the Solar Chakra?
The simplest definition is that solar chakra is the source of your personal power and confidence. It’s Sanskrit name is Manipura, which means shining gem. You can think of it as the shining power within you, therefore during energy clearing we worked on the issues (or people) that are preventing you to step into your power. The color is yellow, for me the best representation is sun J
The emotions that are related to solar chakra are personal power, confidence, self-respect and motivation. The most common emotions, which can block your energy in solar chakra, are anxiety, worry, failure, low self-esteem and hopelessness. Those blockages manifest themselves as digestion issues or diseases such as ulcers.
Solar Chakra is not just your Stomach!
I used to work on my stomach when I had digestive issues and when I learned Reiki, it was all about the stomach. My healing journey shifted when I dove into Chinese body teachings and anatomy. There are other organs, which hold different blocked emotions in your solar chakra! You can still have digestive issues even if you are not anxious or if you have hope instead of worry!
Here you can see in the diagram the other organs that are in our abdominal area our solar chakra. For example, hate and anger are usually stored in Liver, whereas small intestine acts like our heart chakra, very vulnerable to events. This is why we need to pay attention to all of our feelings and emotions and clear them out one by one!
image ℅ Wikimedia
How can we CLEAR & BALANCE the Solar Chakra?
This topic deserves couple of pages to discuss and you would hate me for such a long post, this is why I hosted a webinar ☺️ Here I wanted to share an important piece from the webinar!
Everything starts with Awareness! When you are aware of the issue, you can get the knowledge to work on it. Lastly you need to have a desire to transform!
You need to tune in and understand the issue (feelings, emotions, people involved…) Best ways to tune in is to journal, meditation or get help from a professional. I have been sharing my tips for self- work in my blog, if you want to read more on the things that you can do by yourself check here.
The most important thing here is to listen yourself, just with an intention to understand, there is no blame, no solution at this stage… I use this quote in my workshops to explain the importance of listening, sometimes I realize in the sessions that we also listen ourselves with an intent to reply…
It is the easiest part in today’s world ☺️ there is unlimited information on the methods, books, videos, people… Remember that MOTION is the best cure for solar chakra! The word emotion, 'emotere', literally means energy in motion. The more you step into your power and take action, the more you shift your emotions to positive!
This is the part where most people struggle, the whole model works if you have DESIRE! You can ask yourself one simple question: What motivates me to transform?
The answer is unique for each us; it could be your children, your family, your childhood dreams, your job… Find your own motivation to boost the energy in your core! One of my clients uses a photo of her kids, another one imagines that his art is inspiring others, when you find your own motivation; you close your ears to what others say more easily, more effortlessly.
If you are reading this post, I hope you start from somewhere, June is the perfect month to work on our solar chakra, the sun will support you to be more energized! And always remember each little step counts…
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