5 Activities you can practice with your Intuitive Children

Last year I wrote a blog on Indigo and Crystal children and shared “5 Activities you can practice with your Intuitive Children” during lock down.

I received so much positive feedback and questions from parents who have highly sensitive or intuitive kids. The majority of my clients have children, therefore over time with them I have had the chance to observe the outcome of some little activities that you can enjoy with your children, and so far the results have all been positive.

Recently, in our last session, a client mentioned to me how her own healing journey has helped to increase the positive vibrations at home. Mothers are superwomen and Muriel is one of them.

She has been home schooling almost for a year with 3 children and husband who works from home in Beirut (which had one of the most challenging years due to the explosion). I asked her if she would like to join me on Instagram live to share her experiences and to remind others of “the importance how simple activities can help to ground kids and raise vibrations in the home”. And the good news is she said YES 💍!

This will be a genuine talk on intuition, kids, lock-down and motherhood… It is not painting a 'fake perfect picture'; we will dive into what is helping her children at their various ages, what isn't working, what was unexpected…


When: Tonight! 9 June @ 21.00 pm CET

Where: Mindfulness Talk series on Instagram live

If you have any questions or want to share your activities to inspire others, join us on IG live tonight! You can watch the Mindfulness Talk series recordings on my IG if you can’t make it live. If you missed last year’s newsletter on Indigo and Crystal children, here is the summary of the activities I shared 😀

5 Activities You Can Practice With Your Intuitive Children

  1. Spending time in nature together – most Indigo and Crystal children are natural chanelers when they connect with nature, they start clearing their energy while just sitting on the grass. Why not take them out for a mindful walk, where you practice consciously connecting with nature and ask them what they hear or feel.

  2. Teaching them the concept of the chakras – Even at age 3 they would understand the concept and tell you how they feel about chakras! Most of our diseases are related to blocks of energy in our chakras, the younger you realize it, the easier it is to clear! My favorite series of all times is Avatar. I used this video to explain chakras and talk about feeling when I was working with a child. It is educational and fun!

  3. Meditating together – we all know how energy rises when we meditate with a group of people so you can also try to follow a guided meditation together or let them sit with you while you do your meditation. At first you may think “it would distract my focus”, however the parents who try are surprised with how their children can sit and meditate for 10 min without distraction 😀 ( and it helps them to sleep better)

  4. Encourage them to take part in activities that help them to understand the energy flow in their body such as yoga and tai chi. In most of the books I read, they talk highly about tai chi for kids who have issues in focusing their attention. A lot of the research shows a strong correlation between taking tai chi and increased motivation and focus in children.

  5. Clear the energy in their room together with a prayer and burning sage! I highly advise to clear the energy in your home with rituals (usually monthly with moon meditation), you can find the details on my blog. Next time, you can turn this ritual into an activity together, this way they can open up about how they feel in their room and ways to make them feel safer!

And lastly, if you missed in my recent podcast interview, I opened up about Angels, Akashic records and more energy work. It is a 30 min show that you can enjoy during your walking or cooking time 😀

Randi Fine, is an Author, Life Counsellor and Internet Radio Show host. Her show ranked as #3 in the top 80 podcasts you must listen in 2021!

With Love,


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