Top 5 book recommendations from 2021!
One of my New Year Resolutions is to share the books that I read on my healing journey here with you in my newsletters
I am a devoted book lover, and I have the gift of a “fast reading ability”...this has really helped me to learn about and try many healing modalities from books. I also love reading novels to learn more about life.
This year I will share my top recommended books on healing with you monthly
I wanted to start my new Healing Book of the Month series with a review of 2021. Here are my top 5 books of 2021! (Note: these aren't my top 5 of all time -- I have another list for that)
Here are my top 5 books from 2021...
1. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East (6 Volume Set), by Baird T. Spalding
This is one of the hardest books that I've read on spirituality! I first met with this book 15 years ago (with a funny story).
I went to see a psychic for a future reading -- where you ask questions about your future like ‘will I marry, will I get promotion’ (yes, I have done those things, I had no idea of energy, karma back then ).
The lady told me that my questions were wrong and I need to ask questions about healing. I was 23 at the time, I had neither the idea nor the interest on this topic. She was very disappointed that I was not ready for my path and advised me to read this book. Come on, I was an Account Seller Representative at P&G that time and my main question was when will I become Account Seller Manager
Even though I didn’t understand the lady, I bought the book and started reading. After 30 pages, I stopped. It didn’t make any sense until I moved to Luxembourg. I have been reading this on and off with Covid and finally I can say, it makes so much sense.
Thanks to this book, my clairaudience abilities have improved (clairaudience: channeling through hearing). My main disclaimer is that it's a very heavy, deep and hard to digest book.
2. Women Code by Alissa Vita
I shared this book last March on International Women’s Day for my lovely women readers who are struggling with hormonal imbalances, like; PMS, infertility, period issues and cystic breast or ovaries.
Alisa Vitti, the writer herself, suffered from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and was able to heal herself through food and lifestyle changes. She wrote this book as a guide to help women who suffer from similar diseases.
For me the scientific information related to food was super useful, especially first 3 steps of the book. I found the feminine energy section a bit basic, however, it is nice to see that she is mentioning topics like vision boards, manifestation and meditation in a hormone balance book.
3. When Nietzsche Wept by Irvin D. Yalom
In my newsletters, I share many non-fiction books related to my healing journey. However, I am also a devoted novel reader...this year I will also share that side of me a bit more.
I read this classic when I was in high school, probably to look cool This year, I re-read it and realized that I don’t remember most of it. I was shocked to realize that in the book there is a session about future healing. Instead of going into childhood memories to heal, they try a method of going to future possibilities and this trial helps the patient.
I am also using a healing technique on future reading for my own healing right now...and it is very efficient to release fears.
Most of my clients are blocked by their fears about their light, meaning their potential rather than weaknesses. This method helps them to realize what is possible and release the fears by just facing the reality…
4. Mind Over Medicine by Lissa Rankin
If you have been following me for a long time, you know I am obsessed with self-healing and searching for scientific proof to explain -- and not just to my clients, mostly to sceptical people like my husband
Lissa Larkin’s Ted Video helped me to work with my first client years ago! And last year, thanks to my lovely client Becca’s scientific mind , I re-read the updated version of the book which covers more healing modalities. I loved it, it is in my top 5 healing book list.
I highly recommend this book to the searchers of more fulfilled life! If you are interested to learn more, click here to read my blog post about this book.
5. The Island of Missing Trees by Elif Shafak
I am a huge fan of Elif Shafak, I've read all her books! So far, I've shared with you “The 40 Rules of Love”, it was one of the books that I love about Rumi…Today I want to talk about her most recent book.
As Guardian says “ A tale of love and division moves between postcolonial Cyprus and London, exploring themes of generational trauma and belonging”. It is a story that will take you to the beautiful island of Cyprus, help you connect with the wisdom of trees and the pain of the ancestors.
I believe in ancestral pain and trauma, I've seen so many cases. Sometimes you don’t know why you feel this way or you don’t have any logical reference point. With ancestral healing, it is possible to realize what is blocking you and make a peace with your roots.
As my mentor says “You can only evolve from your roots, you need to know and own your roots otherwise how can you evolve and transform”…
Hope you enjoy this week’s blog post and it gave you an idea of what to read next!
With Love,