How speaking my truth cured my Thyroiditis, and how YOU can heal your throat chakra too!


Greetings from Ubud! This place is the magical land of rice fields, waterfalls and apparently self-discovery. 

Here is my picture from rice fields … 

As you may notice from my dark circles, I have no make-up on 🙂 As a corporate employee, I always put on a little make up to look healthy or beautiful. I remember once, I did not use any make up, and my colleague looked at me with a worrying face and asked if I was sick 😂 I am sure most women experienced that in the office. Even though I reduced it significantly over the last 3 years, I always use a mascara. In this sabbatical journey, somehow, I stopped wearing any make up and to be honest it is liberating! Last week, after posting one of my no-make up pictures to Instagram stories, I received an amazing voice mail from Nazli, my first Reiki student, now she is a Reiki master, saying that she embraces my no make-up challenge! Actually I was not on a no make-up challenge, she inspired me to accept and SURRENDER* to my no-make up challenge! Thanks to you and all the women who believe in sisterhood 👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏾

This week, I experienced deep healing sessions, both with myself and with others. I decided to share my learnings with you with a wish that it heals your self-discovery journey. This week I want to start with THROAT.

What does the THROAT CHAKRA tell us? 

The Throat Chakra represents our communication abilities and how we communicate with others, simply it is our voice. The diseases are signs for us to realize what is wrong in our life, what is bothering us deeply. If you have blockages on your throat chakra, the common diseases are sore throat, losing your voice and eventually thyroid disease. 

I can say that most of my clients had issues with the throat, both men and women, mainly due to 2 common issues… They are both important; the first one is easier to release, and the second one was the root cause of my very own thyroid disease:

1)     Not being able to talk about your feelings and emotions to others 

As the throat represents our communication, when you can’t express your real feelings to others, you start to block the energy there. Sometimes we think differently than our bosses, however we have to act according to their decision, we have to swallow our words. It is not just at work, the majority of issues are related to what we wanted to say to our loved ones, mother, father, husband, wife, partner or best friend. 

We had to be silent; either we were scared to lose them or hurt them. However, by being silent we are only punishing ourselves and sending the energy if ‘I am not important, others are more important than me’ to the universe. 

We go deep into the root cause and healing process during sessions together, however there are simple at-home remedies for it..

Home Practice #1 to Release the Blocked Energy from the Throat Chakra

Give yourself quality time where you have space to be relaxed, alone and especially not disturbed. It is so sad to see that most of us are even afraid to tell their partners “I need 20 minutes for myself, please give me space’.  I usually light a candle (using the energy of the fire), play relaxing music (here is what I use as I am writing this blog post ☺️) and start with a prayer/wish. It is important to set the intention and say it out loud to the universe! 

Just close your eyes and make the intention “Dear Creator (energy, God, Mother Earth, whatever you believe in your belief system), please show me the unspoken words and help me to release it today, thank you“.

Sit there quietly with your eyes closed and accept the first person you see, feel or hear through your connection. In my experience with my clients usually the first person is the right person, however because the pain is deeper there, our mind immediately takes control and you start thinking about someone else. Let’s say the initial feeling is your mum, there are things you couldn’t tell to her, your mind will immediately interrupt and say “No, you love your mum, she is so nice, it is your colleagues that you were angry at today”. Here, just be mindful. This exercise is not a blame game, we all love our parents, however they are the ones that make the deepest wounds, it is safe to stay with the first person and trust the universe to guide you. 

After finding the person there are 2 things you can do. First is to talk to them in your mind, say all the things you need to say aloud. Usually this one is harder to do on our own, as we did not say those before; most likely, we will not say the real stuff without a push. The second thing is to start writing, if you are following my blog; you know it is my favorite method to release. Just take a pen and paper and start writing, whatever you want to say, with no agenda, keep it to couple of pages so that the subconscious mind takes the control and gives you the deeper stuff. 

After writing, I usually burn the letter and feel that it is solved.

2)     Not being able to tell your own truth 

Here is the juicy stuff, throat chakra also represents how you are communicating with yourself. After being on a healing journey for almost 6 years, I was diagnosed with thyroid diseases! I already started my healing practice with others, had a healthy base of clients and this diagnosis shocked me! I was seeing a doctor and started with antibiotics to get rid of the inflammation to start the treatment. 

I started working on the throat, it was the time that I realised the importance of anatomy, I was reading how thyroids work and checking the medical books to see how it looks. Actually, I can say, I am here in Ubud to learn anatomy thanks to the learnings of my thyroid journey. I started checking all the people that hurt me or all the things I could not say. I was writing letters, doing healing and still it was there. After the first month, I was doing a reading for a girl in London. I heard that she had unspoken words to her ex-partner and we should start with healing that. I immediately asked the Creator, if this message was for me, maybe I was confused due to burden of healing my thyroids. There I heard a clear “NO, this is not your message; you need to start SPEAKING YOUR OWN TRUTH to heal yourself!” 

I took a note to check later, and that night I was in a hotel room in London. I was on a business trip where I had to stay for the weekend. At first I was upset with my boss to stay for the weekend and as always everything happens for a reason, my forced London weekend turned out to an opportunity to give me space with no need to cook, do laundry or even leave the room –SURRENDER* 

I started the home action; the one I shared above, this time I asked the universe to show me “What is the truth that I am hiding”. To be honest nothing came, I did not feel anything, I was telling to myself ‘I am not hiding anything, I am honest and open’. Then I started journaling, I kept writing and writing, the more pages I wrote the more sad I was, realizing what I was doing to myself. 

I was not telling my truth, what I do in the sessions to anyone except my clients. All my friends and colleagues were thinking I was doing Reiki. I started my journey with Reiki, however I was not using it in my sessions anymore, and I was on a deeper journey where I was able to hear Creator, work with different energies and modalities. However, I was not telling it to even my family! Then I started digging up why I am not able to tell anyone what I do, why I was hiding, downplaying… 

A reminder when you are digging your fears up, the root cause, they might come up to test you and it hurts, just stay there and realize. I started to tell people what I do more, and one day I was talking to one of my friends about what I do and one person started to make jokes and sarcastic comments, he was just trying to say he doesn’t believe in it. Boom, a punch in the stomach. I remember how it made me sad. I didn’t say anything and went back to my practice. Everyone in our life represents what we think of ourselves, as I was ashamed to tell my psychic abilities, I was hearing others to tell me that I should be ashamed. In these situations, please realize when you work on yourself and shift your beliefs, your reality changes. I worked on why I was ashamed and later my true friends became my supporters.

Change your thoughts.jpg

I kept working on my own healing, and started to take the actions of what I wrote… talking to my family, telling more to people around me and finally I put my website up. And guess what, in almost 4 months, I went to take the necessary tests in Luxembourg for my thyroid, the disease was GONE! The doctor made me take the tests two more times afterwards to believe the results. 

Home Practice #2 to Release the Blocked Energy from the Throat Chakra

This time we connect to realize what is our truth, what are we hiding or keeping low, or downplaying to be SAFE, to STAY in the COMFORT ZONE, to be RESPECTED by others, to be LOVED by others… First we start realizing what is our truth, then the most vital step is being able to communicate our truth through ACTIONS. It can be anything, starting a podcast, teaching a cooking class, taking a holiday, whatever you put in your list, start doing it…


Remember to be patient with yourself! We have patience for others, kids, partners, employees, clients… sadly we have no patience with our self! This work may take time and it is OK. There is no magical pill so far, all spiritual or wellbeing teachings and techniques tell us one thing, keep practicing! The more you realize and work on it, the better it will be. There is divine timing and it is so unique and different for everyone! Remember that your inner child deserves your patience; please treat her/him as you would treat your real child.

With Love,

p.s. If you know anyone with throat or thyroid issues, please feel free to forward them this blog post and let them know they can sign up for my weekly newsletter here!

*SURRENDER- for the new joiners, check this previous blog post for my advice on how to SURRENDER.


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