I began working in big multinationals (P&G, Coca-Cola, Amazon) for 15 years.

After almost a decade of my corporate career, my days were busy delivering tasks and I thought taking care of myself was a weekly yoga class.

My search for self-healing started over 8 years ago due to physical pain of diseases (lower back hernia, meniscuses, skin issues and thyroids)…I searched for solutions with modern medicine and therapies but nothing could help my inner pain. I was going to a psychologist and was skeptical about the healing world.

This is how I started this journey. Desperately looking for someone to fix me… I was looking for “the healing that would save me” for 5 years.

After trying various healing and coaching modalities, finally I understood the truth: Only we can heal ourselves, it is possible and it is very simple.

It took a lot of effort, and it wasn’t easy, however it is there for everyone and it is possible. I was able to move from an anxious and unsatisfied life to a happier and calmer life with big and bold changes; moved to another country, changed my corporate career, found deep fulfilling love and married my soulmate…

Through the process, I uncovered my own gifts as a healer to create profound change in my life and I learnt how to share it with others to guide their transformation journey. I have worked clients from all around the world with 1-1 Rapid Transformation Journeys and have dedicated myself to sharing what I experienced; healing is in simplicity and it is within you…