International Women's Day, let's celebrate women everywhere!

Today is a day to remember the importance of women's empowerment, a day for all the women out there to check in and ask “what am I doing for myself?”

I know we need to do more than just one day, yet it is still a good reminder to tune in and be honest with ourselves.

✨ Am I focusing on my feminine self?
✨ Do I take care of this woman, do I take care of myself?

I love working with women. Feminine energy is so powerful. Once a feminine decides to shift and transform nothing can hold her down.

My female clients remind me of the transformation of butterflies. Despite the struggles and suffering, they manage to change their story and spread their wings like a beautiful colorful butterfly.

I think the most important aspect of feminine energy is to accept ourselves the way we are. We are always looking for our flaws and ways of being better. I witnessed that real transformation comes when a woman makes PEACE with herself; when she practices LOVING and FORGIVING herself. It is a simple concept but it’s not easy. It requires a mindset shift and practice, the beauty is once you start this path nothing can hold you back.

Are you in touch with your feminine energy? Learn how to empower yourself and all the women around you, book a FREE discovery call with the link below!


Claiming your feminine energy and power is possible! I witness the magic of empowered women in working with my clients, I witness their transformation. Read what one of my lovely clients has to say about her experience:

I would like to end this by sharing an amazing chat that we had with Merilyn during last year’s International  Women’s Month celebrations. It is only 17 minutes, so I wish to accompany your  break time :)

May this conversation bring positive vibes and inspiration to your heart on this special day .


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