How to Stop Over-Complicating Your Healing Journey
November is here! We are ending autumn in northern hemisphere and getting ready for a cozy winter! (I hope this winter we have more freedom to go out and enjoy the lights of the cities).
There's a New Moon this week which means that the moon is darker 🌑
We need a few more grounding exercises to balance ourselves during this time. It feels like, this week, the universe is teaching us: “we can't control life”.
Instead of trying to control life, it is better to trust and surrender…
In order to ground yourself during weeks like this, one of the easiest and best things you can do is to walk through green space. Science has shown that walking in green space actually helps us more than we know by data: Greenery Effect!
According to a recent study, the rate of disease clusters were lower at an interval of 15%-24% with people who are living in environments with more green space in a 1km radius. The relation was strongest for anxiety disorder and depression. And the most fascinating part of the study for me is to read this relation was stronger for children!
If reading this excited you to go outside for a walk, I also wanted to join you with my recent podcast interview 🎧 for The Meditation Conversation podcast with Kara Goodwin!
In her own words, Kara created this podcast to support your spiritual (r)evolution! The Meditation Conversation is an exploration into the opportunities which abound when meditation becomes part of your life's framework. She invited me to talk about energetic healing and spiritual awakening.
We talked about;
How can we start to understand that healing lies within us?
What role does love play in illness and injury?
How do we overcomplicate our healing journeys?
Especially as someone who overcomplicated my own healing journey, the last topic has a deep place in my heart. I've started to be more vocal on it.
I started to manifest the things that I desire in my life when I understand one simple concept “the healing lies within us and it is in simplicity”.
If you want to attract a soulmate, you have one task: to look at the barriers within you. Believe me it was not easy, especially when I was deeply in love with someone who was giving me harsh lessons, all the lessons of the heart.
And this month we will celebrate first year of our wedding day…I know it is not easy to work on your heart issues, forgiving, letting go seems like fancy words, really doing the work can come with many tears…
The good news is healing is possible and it is beautiful and it is real….